March 1, 2008

Baby Boy

Category: Family :: Permalink

Moriah and I are pleased to announce the birth of our baby boy.  He arrived at 5:12 on Friday afternoon, weighing 9 lbs 4 oz. and measuring 21 inches long.  He appears to have inherited my chubby cheeks.  Mother and baby (and father!) are doing well, and Aletheia, the big sister, is thrilled to have a baby brother.

We’ve named him John Vance Barach, which is also my name and my father’s name, but we’ll call him by his middle name: Vance.  We’ve taken some pictures but don’t have them ready to post online yet.

God has been very good to us, and we’re thankful.

Posted by John Barach @ 6:38 pm | Discuss (10)

10 Responses to “Baby Boy”

  1. Mark Says:

    Congratulations John!

  2. Jake Says:

    Congratulations, Barach family!

  3. George van Popta Says:

    Congratulations to mom and dad! The Lord bless you in raising your son to walk in the ways of the Lord!

  4. Dirk Says:

    Sounds redundant, but congratulations John! God is GOOD isn’t He?

  5. Paul Baxter Says:

    Have trouble thinking up new names?

    Congratulations to you.

    We just had our third boy three weeks ago.

  6. Callie Says:

    A leap day baby! What fun! =) Blessings to you all!

  7. Joe Says:

    Congratulations Barach Family. What a wonderful reminder of the Lord’s faithfulness and desire to advance His kingdom rule.

  8. Leonard from Albania Says:

    Congratulations! May God bless you in training them (including the new boy) faithfully and may He bless this boy, while he will grow and trained to serve the Lord!

  9. Judy & Co. Says:

    How wonderful! Congratulations with this awesome blessing!! Welcome Vance! He is the very first Leap Year baby/person I know.
    Best wishes!!! Enjoy this special time ~ they grow up SOOOO fast. (Chris just turned 17!) Take care!

  10. Duane Vandenberg Says:

    Congratulations! Amazing how one word can say it all, eh?

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