January 14, 2002


Category: Miscellaneous :: Permalink

Well, I’m back from the Pastors Conference in Monroe, Louisiana. I had a wonderful time, though I regret that I wasn’t there for the first night of the conference and had to miss Steve Schlissel’s and Doug Wilson’s first speeches.

Rick picked me up at the airport on Monday night and introduced me to Steve Wilkins. I had supper at the Wilkins’ place and then went to the hotel … and discovered, to my horror, that I’d brought only the first few pages of my lecture outlines! I immediately started sweating, because I figured that would help. I tried to scribble down some of the stuff on the missing pages. And then the Lord calmed me down enough to call one of my elders, Duane Konynenbelt, who went to my house, e-mailed the outlines to Steve Wilkins, and printed them out and faxed them to the hotel. Whew! I owe Duane bigtime now!

I spoke three times on Tuesday, and the talks were very well received. It was great to visit some old friends, to see some people I’ve known only through e-mail (e.g., Rick Capezza, Mark Horne, Jeff Steel), and to meet a lot of new friends. I stayed up till 3:00 AM on Wednesday night (um, actually, Thursday morning) talking and laughing with Rick. Thanks for the Guinness and the talk, Rick!

For more reviews of the conference, you can see Rick‘s, John Butler‘s, and Mark‘s comments. You can get tapes of the conference ($60.00 US) from Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church.

I see the speaker for their Spring Conference (March 22-24) is Dr. Nelson Kloosterman, professor of NT and Ethics at my alma mater, Mid-America Reformed Seminary, and father-in-law of Bill DeJong.

On another note, my father, whose name is the same as mine, has started a blog of his own. Welcome to the world of blogging, Dad!

Posted by John Barach @ 2:49 pm | Discuss (0)

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