Klamath Falls
Yesterday, our entire church moved to a different location. And not just a different location: a different town in a different countyÂ
We normally meet at the Griffin Creek Grange, just to the west of Medford. But due to a quilt show, we had to find a new place to meet. Most Sundays, one family and a single guy come to Medford for church from Klamath Falls, just over the mountain from us. It’s about an hour and a half drive and during the winter it can be a bit treacherous, but they come as often as they can. So this Sunday, we went to them.
Two of our member families are on vacation, but Moriah and I went to Klamath Falls on Saturday and the other families came on Sunday morning. We had a very good time visiting with the people who live out there.
They had invited lots of people to church and advertised on the cable TV bulletin board and so we ended up with more visitors than regulars, which meant that I had to spend some time before the service talking a bit about our liturgy: what we do and why. They seemed to enjoy it, and all of them stayed for a meal after the service.
April 2nd, 2007 at 3:25 pm
Who wouldn’t stay for a meal?
Enjoy reading your blog.
April 2nd, 2007 at 6:17 pm
Well, I certainly feel that way. But we’ve had people visit and then leave right away without sticking around for the meal.
This Sunday, though, we had a full table with great food and lots of people hanging around until mid-afternoon.
April 3rd, 2007 at 5:17 am
Glad to hear of this outreach opportunity and the good response. We trust and pray that some of these people will attend services in Medford, even though it is rather a long drive.
We were at Leduc (also about an hour and a half away) again last Sunday. They have extended a call to Rev. Koks, and we are hopeful that he will accept.
Fortunately, the snowstorm (we had a dump of 6 inches and more coming) of the last couple days held off until we got home!
Love, Mom