November 25, 2006
Anointing with Oil
Danny Hyde, the pastor of Oceanside United Reformed Church, has a helpful essay on the anointing with oil spoken of in James 5. Unlike some in the Reformed tradition, he sees it as a continuing blessing for the church. In this essay, he interacts helpfully with the views that this anointing is simply “medicinal” or that it was restricted to the early church, as well as with the current charismatic and Pentecostal uses of this passage. Good stuff.
Posted by John Barach @ 4:03 pm |
Discuss (1)
November 25th, 2006 at 9:00 pm
I read the article with particular interest in that the author’s final conclusion is the precise view of the Christian and Missionary Alliance before that denomination turned charismatic and left the teaching of A. B. Simpson. Now, like the charismatics, the Alliance announces that on a particular Sunday they will have a service where sick people can come forward to have the elders anoint and pray for the sick person. However, previously, the sick were to contact the elders and have them come to the sickbed to anoint and pray for the sick.