April 28, 2004


Category: Theology :: Permalink

The current age is a particular challenge for preaching a particular God who is manifest to us in Jesus the Christ. For some time now, we have been in the mire of something called “spirituality,” which in my experience tends to be decidedly anti-traditionalist, anti-institutional, amorphous, vague and therefore undemanding.

Spirituality is what I feel when I feel better than I did before I felt it. It is a big, accommodating basket into which I can put almost anything I want to feel about the “higher power,” or “spiritual force,” or “my own little voice,” or whatever I call whatever it is that makes me feel better.

Just for now, I’m trying to discipline myself, whenever I hear someone around here say “spirituality,” to think “idolatry.” — Will Willimon, “Jesus vs. Generic God,” Leadership, Winter 2002.

Posted by John Barach @ 1:44 pm | Discuss (1)

One Response to “Spirituality”

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